Friday, September 4, 2015

7 tips to kick start fatty liver treatment

1. Lose weight, exercise more.

2. Improve your diet even if you don't lose weight.

3. Go for regular liver review(example: blood test, ultrasound test)

4. Speak to your doctor regularly on your condition.

5. Get other medical conditions treated( diabetes etc)

6. Drink wine instead of beer, restricting to 1 glass of wine per day.

7. Join support groups. Talk to people whom have fatty liver as well. Motivate each other to a better lifestyle.

Try this. It's a small step at a time but you will see results very soon.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to reduce fatty liver ? Liver Repair helps

By now, we all know that fatty liver is totally reversible with some changes to your lifestyle.

I would not suggest the use of supplements like milk thistle to "fix" fatty liver. I prefer to use super food that can now be easily purchased in supermarket or even organic food markets now. I really like the use of super foods like kale, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, beet root which helps to detoxify the liver too.

Adding these healthier food like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Replace red meat with lean protein like chicken and fish into your daily diet will make you feel healthier.  Not totally shutting out fats but go for the good fats like olive oil, avocados, fish oil and coconut butter. These good fats are anti-inflammatory which can help in repairing the liver.

Improving metabolism through exercising. Lifestyle includes exercising too. Exercising helps improve insulin and repairing the liver. Start off with a short daily aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

Having enough sleep in the night helps with liver repair. At night when you are asleep, your internal organs goes to repair mode. One of the most important organ and "filter" to our body, the liver cleanse and performs cell repairs while we sleep. Having at least 8 hours of sleep would be good for fatty liver patients as you might get easily tired or restless in the day.

In order to successfully reduce and reverse fatty liver, a combination and change to lifestyle would be required. I would like to hear from you too. Please comment any questions and i will do my best to address to them.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Why is diet so important for someone who has Fatty Liver disease ?

Adjusting your daily diet is the first step to reverse fatty liver disease. Its the easiest first step you can do to move forward and subsequently recover from fatty liver disease.

By knowing which type of food harms your liver, you have a simple plan to first avoid these types of food. Then eating food that benefits the liver which i share in my other topics previously.

Next, you could set out a diet plan to follow. Start off eating leafy green vegetables, i like to eat walnuts, grapefruits, beetroot as well.

Effects of Olive Oil on Liver

Olive oil have shown to have many protective health benefits to our body including our liver. This is due to the nutrients, antioxidants that are contained in olive oil. Not only they help protect our liver, these nutrients are effectively improving the basic functions of the liver.

Reduction in fatty deposits is one of the benefits olive oil has to the liver. Many a times, people dont eat right all the time causing fat deposits to be build up around the liver and also flow within our bloodstream leading fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis and cancer.

Avoid eating or using the following food/ingredients:

- processed food (ham, sausages, canned food)
- soft drinks & fizzy drinks
- fast food (including fried food too)
- Saturated fat and trans fats.

These are the top list of foods which are easily accessible to our daily lives but should be TOTALLY avoided for fatty liver patients.

For me, i take a tablespoon of extra light virgin olive oil daily, first thing in the morning after i wake up.

I personally like cutting up some white and red cabbages, sprinkle a little salt and pepper together with olive oil as the dressing. There we have a health snack.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What is a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease EXPLAINED

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease(NAFLD) refers to a range of conditions caused by a build-up of fat within liver cells. It is now very common and happens to most obese or overweight people.

Body Mass Index(BMI) formula and chart

BMI = weight(lbs) * 703 / height(in) 2

BMI = weight(kg) / height(m)2

If your BMI is :

from 18.5 to 25 - normal
25 to 30 - overweight
30 to 35 - obese
35 to 40 - clinically obese
Above 40 - dangerously obese

For obese and overweight people with NAFLD, usually the advice would be to reduce or lose weight gradually. 

4 stages of NAFLD 

  • Simple fatty liver (hepatic steatosis). Simple fatty liver means that excess fat builds up in liver cells. For most people, simple fatty liver does not cause any harm or problems to the liver. However, in some people it can progress to more severe forms of NAFLD.
  • Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Basically an inflammation to the liver. This is much less common than simple fatty liver.
  • Fibrosis. Persistent hepatitis may eventually cause scar tissue (fibrosis) to form within the liver. When fibrosis first develops often there are many liver cells that continue to function normally
  • Cirrhosis. This is a serious condition where normal liver tissue is replaced by a lot of fibrosis. The structure and function of the liver are badly affected. Many liver conditions can lead to cirrhosis, including NAFLD. Severe cirrhosis can lead to liver failure. 
There are no symptoms to NAFLD. Some people will feel the upper right abdomen pains because of the enlarged liver. You may experience general tiredness throughout the day while certain people may not have any symptoms. 

Weight reduction would be the best advice i could give. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

5 Ways to reverse Fatty Liver

Glad to know that fatty liver is reversible ?

Let me tell you how.

First, you got eat less carbohydrates. Avoid bread, pasta, rice, potatoes or any food made from flour.

Second, stop all alcohol intake. Alcohol causes inflammation and damage to the liver so stop harming it futher.

Third, eat more leafy vegetable. Kale and broccoli would be the two best choices.

Fourth, consume vegetables and raw foods which helps to cleanse the liver.

By eating and following the steps above, it seems you may just get hungry often. Cut the carbo, increase the protein intake.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Let us share about Fatty Liver disease

First of all, you need to consult a doctor for a diagnose. Blood tests, MRI scans are most effectively used for diagnosing fatty liver disease.

I consider fatty liver disease a silent killer in modern times like this. Many often drinking alcohol and partying and not forgetting the delicious food we have in this world that is hard to resist.

Well, fatty liver disease can lead to many other problems to our bodies. Often fatty liver patients experienced fatigue, difficulties in concentrating, fluid retention especially at the ankle area and worst it might lead to liver failure.

Liver being the largest organ in our body might also be enlarged because of fatty liver disease. You might also gain weight and experienced pain in the upper right abdomen area.

I am just sharing information from my own experience together with some others hopefully more people get to learn about this and benefit from my blog postings on how to reverse fatty liver disease.

No one way to cure everyone, but through attempts and different approaches like eating right, exercising we can achieve a much healthier lifestyle.